


In times of uncertainty, the mission of 菠菜信誉网 becomes more urgent than ever

At 菠菜信誉网 we believe our work is a matter of 社会正义:获得实惠, quality education which becomes the springboard for students to build a better life for themselves and their families.



Producing Skilled Workers with needed Health Care Training:

3 卫生保健学位课程

10 卫生保健证书课程


Innovative, high-tech programs to meet the evolving needs of the Massachusetts workforce:


菠菜信誉网 Center for Therapeutics and Genomics Training →





Every penny of your donation goes where it belongs: directly to our students.
These hardworking men and women are overcoming all barriers, determined to earn their degrees or certificates and to make a difference in the world. 

20.5% 有资格获得佩尔助学金吗, a federal scholarship given only to undergraduate students who “display exceptional financial need”

52% reported “low” or “very low” food security *

* Data from a spring 2017 survey of 308 菠菜信誉网 students


$362,817 授予

401 发给学生的奖学金总额

18.7% 的申请获得资助

When you give to 菠菜信誉网, you impact somebody’s life. Donations like yours often determine if a student is able to stay in college in pursuit of their dreams, 或者如果他们被迫辍学.





The construction of the 68,500 square foot, state-of-the-art 菠菜信誉网 Center for Health 科学, Early Childhood, and 人类服务 is now underway with a grand opening anticipated in summer 2023. 位于弗雷明汉市中心, the new Center will serve a community in which 40% are identified as economically disadvantaged, 50% for which English is a second language, 48%认为自己是有色人种.


Invest in the future of MetroWest by giving to the construction of this transformative Center!
