

Please call us for information and/or let us know if you are having any difficulties.





河畔 Green Line to/from Wellesley Campus | M-F 7am–6:15pm
弗雷明汉航天飞机 往返韦尔斯利校区| M-F 7:00 am - 5:55pm

河畔 Train Station to 菠菜信誉网 Wellesley Hills Campus →

Wellesley Hills and Framingham Campuses, as well as Framingham State University →


菠菜信誉网提供免费的优步服务 注册 students from 菠菜信誉网 Wellesley Campus to and from…

  • 河畔T站| M-F晚6:30 - 10pm
  • Wellesley Farms Commuter Rail | M-F 7:00am–7:00pm
  • FSU | M-F晚上6点至10:30
  • 弗雷明汉校园之夜| M-F 6:00 pm-10:30pm



Registration is required to participate in the 超级项目. Rides are free unless you exceed the allowed fare amount. Tipping the Uber driver through the 菠菜信誉网 account is prohibited. If students wish to tip the driver, they must do so through their personal Uber Account. Please allow roughly two hours to process your enrollment. Approximatly one hour after you submit your application, you will receive an email from 业务 Uber to your 菠菜信誉网 email address to confirm your participation.




The Youth Pass Program offers reduced fares to young adults with low income. The program is a partnership between the T and participating cities and towns.


  • Cash value for roughly 50% reduced one-way fares
  • $10 7天linkpass
  • linkpass每月30美元

Your card can also be used to purchase reduced monthly passes for Commuter Rail, Ferry, 及快速巴士.




The 运输 Support Program is designed specifically to assist students who may be facing challenges related to covering the cost of transportation during their fall semester classes. This program aims to provide a small monthly scholarship that will help to subsidize your transportation costs and potentially reduce your travel time to campus. This support is intended to offer you flexibility in allocating the funds towards covering expenses for your commute to and from campus.


  • 学生 must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits at 菠菜信誉网 during the current semester;
  • GPA要求:2.2或更高; (新生可申请)
  • 学生 must maintain good standing at the College;
  • Acceptance into the program is not guaranteed for all applicants due to limited funds;
  • Decisions will be based on the content of the application process. Statements will be assessed for content, not writing style;
  • All students who are experiencing transportation obstacles are eligible to apply, 无论经济援助状况如何, 领取公共援助, 或者公民身份.


菠菜信誉网 运输 Scholarship Application →


自行车 racks are provided throughout the 菠菜信誉网 campus. Showers and lockers can be found at the Recreation and Wellness Center.